

Who said we must care for others before we care for ourselves? So many times we put things and people before our own well-being…Self-less? To be selfless you are more concerned with the needs and wishes of others at your own expense. The majority of the time being selfless will leave you depressed, frustrated, sick and tired. What a reward for your selfless acts. How did we become so acquiescent? Where did this need to be the hero or she-ro for those that summonses come from? What are you lacking within yourself that you’re trying to fulfill by this superficial validation? Why would you constantly want to sacrifice or martyr yourself? Sacrifice by definition means to slaughter and martyr to suffer or die; what have you done that warrants such retribution? Don’t you love yourself? You should never put anyone or anything before the precious being God created that is…You! You have a right to take care of you first. Anyone that says differently ask them to neglect themselves for you and see what happens. Self-ish…isn’t altogether a bad thing. You have need of yourself. You’re just as important as anyone else in your life. If you are having trouble reconciling that being somewhat selfish isn’t bad, consider this. Taking care of yourself is a great selfless act especially when you consider others that will benefit from your sacrifice. If you want to be strong enough and healthy enough to care for a sick loved one, you must take care of yourself; mind, body and spirit. If you want to be an asset to your employer; you’re no benefit if you’re sick and having to always call in. You must take care of yourself in order to be able to function at peak performance. You can do this by having a healthy and balanced diet. Drinking plenty of water. You can’t forget to get adequate rest and relaxation. Be mindful of what you’re feeding your mind. Meditate, deep breathe and laugh as much as you can. These are a just a few sacrifices you can make. I know you’re concerned about how much time this could possible take. Know this…Our lives have an expiration date. Your time is limited here and the time you have already redeemed you can’t get a refund. You have spent years being accommodating to others; you can use some of your time left here accommodating you. Don’t you have goals, dreams or aspirations you want to achieve? Maybe…Maybe Not? Unfortunately if you use your remaining days devoted to living everyone else’s life, no one is living yours. And as for your goals, dreams or aspirations, if not accomplished, they will expire with you. You are in control of you and you are responsible for your life. No one else. Consider yourself. If you don’t take care of you…who will?

Be Encouraged…Be Blessed…Be Enriched…Be Authentically You!

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